High-quality fuels delivered directly from our vehicle to your location.



Racing Fuel

Off Road (Dyed) Diesel

- Smart fill – Technology to monitor fuel levels
- Keep fill
- Customer initiated fuel ordering
- Price Watch
- Strategic Partnerships
- Customer support: At PSE, we treat our customers as partners and are committed to looking out for their best interests by providing all of the tools, resources and guidance needed in today’s marketplace. We have a broad and diverse background in all aspects of retail operations that are impacting our industry today. We have owned and operated multiple convenience stores, truck stops, gaming cafes, restaurants, car washes, and auto repair facilities. We can help to identify new profit opportunities, increase revenue and maximize cash flow potential of your business. Whether you are considering new construction, remodeling or adding new profit centers – we have the expertise to help you attain the highest and best use of your development.
Outstanding Services and Solutions for Retailers. We offer many specialized services for retailers. You can learn more details about these services below. There are many other projects undertaken by Prairie State Energy on behalf of our customers, most at no cost. Is there something you’ve been considering? Please contact us to find out how Prairie State Energy can work with you!
PSE develops and deploys analysis-based strategies designed to enhance profitability and/or minimize risk. This can include consultation services geared towards New to Industry (NTI) and/or store remodeling considerations (i.e. how large of a store should be built, how many gas pumps are needed, what types of fuel should I offer, etc.) or operational considerations (recommendations for store layout, services offered, etc.). In either case, we always prefer to begin with a feasibility analysis based upon your market and competition. Who are your competitors, what are they offering, how good of retailers are they, and what is lacking in their offering?
At PSE, we understand the challenges our customers encounter every day. Like you, we’ve owned & operated stores and had to fight to stay competitive against rapidly expanding chains with compelling offerings. We think that as a business owner, you need more than just a company to take your order for a fuel load – you should be more than just a number. We get to know you, we’ve got your back.
We recognize that while healthy fuel margins are wonderful, they are unreliable. A successful strategy must include focusing on non-fuel profit centers to survive during lean times. We can help you tailor the offering to the community you serve and share the insights and data from the industry as a whole to explore new profit opportunities. With careful planning, leveraging of available tools & data, a thorough market analysis, proven technology and techniques, and strategic partnerships, we’ve enjoyed much success lessening the reliance on fuel margins.
Evaluating any investment to make in your business requires the foresight to understand the potential impact on your cash flows. Does the price justify the investment? Is there a better use of the capital? This thought process becomes even more challenging when initiating a remodel or building a new to industry site. Instead of one decision with several variables, you are now faced with the coordination of multiples of decisions and variables. Prairie State Energy has developed and remodeled a number of sites on our own behalf, and many more on behalf of our customers. In the process we have also developed proprietary tools to help understand the financial impacts that these types of decisions can have on you and your business. One such tool attached is a financial analysis model co-developed by PSE and RSM McGladrey.
Sample Reports
Proforma Income Analysis (27 KB)
Project 1st Year Assumptions (22 KB)
Project Expense Assumptions (29 KB)
Project Income Assumptions (30 KB)
Project Investment Summary (14 KB)
While the attached financial analysis appears to be just a simple one-page summary, please note that there are hundreds of variable inputs (individual revenue and expenses, loan interest rates, sales projections, rental income, fuel and store margins, etc.) in this model. After entering the input of all these variables, we can either produce simple summaries such as the attached or far more complicated cash flow analysis (i.e. Pro Forma) that become the foundation for creation of a bank package to submit and secure bank financing.
PSE also has performed a host of other types of financial consulting for our customers including:
- Benchmark customer invoice pricing vs. Prairie State Energy invoice pricing for suppliers
- Fuel branded and unbranded financial package evaluation
- Financial analysis for adding quick serve restaurants
Environmental Responsibility is Part of Our Mission.
Prairie State takes environmental responsibility very seriously. As such, we are extremely progressive when it comes to reducing our carbon footprint and protecting the environment, our natural resources and the communities we serve. We strongly encourage all of our customers to undertake a similar approach.
We have taken measures including the utilization of technology and underground monitoring equipment for our customer locations to detect leaks and provide warnings when a problem is detected. We continue to work with several regional environmental firms on behalf of our customers to navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance and/or remediation if necessary.
PSE encourages the use of energy saving items such as LED lighting and photocell-controlled lighting switches. We also recommend environmentally sound practices such as the use of reclaimed water for car washes, the purchase of environmentally sustainable consumables such as coffee and fountain cups, lids, straws, etc. This also extends to selecting earth-friendly and bio-degradable soaps, solvents and cleaning products. We all need to advocate for our planet and the communities and customers we serve.
At Prairie State, we are truly committed to protecting the environment and we are always looking for new and better ways to embrace environmental responsibility.
Technology continues to evolve and touch our lives in new ways. It can certainly simplify and eliminate many activities in our business, all the while reducing the opportunity for human error. We deploy technology, and encourage our customers to do so as well. A great example of this relates to fuel management technology. We deploy this technology to link our carrier to your tank monitoring equipment to track gas inventory, order fuel electronically and provide timely deliveries.