Fueled by Quality and Service
Prairie State Energy is a wholesale fuel supplier that delivers competitively priced fuel and a whole lot more. We are proven experts in this industry’s logistics. Our team of professionals are very effective on focused on getting the best possible price for our customers. If you are a potential customer and interested in how much PSE can save you, we offer a complimentary analysis to determine your fuel cost when compared to the wholesale rack price. We also utilize proprietary tools and robust fuel management software to help customers efficiently control fuel inventory and deliveries, keeping your cash in your bank account. PSE closely monitors the spot fuel market throughout the day looking for market indications that signal price moves. We then coordinate with the terminals and carriers and work to deliver the fuel before an increase or after a decrease. Called Price Watch, PSE has saved many customers thousands annually with this service.
Another key benefit of working with PSE is that the customers deal directly with the owners of the company. Unlike many other fuel suppliers, customers can call our cell phones directly if need be. When dealing directly with the owners in this way, especially during a crisis, you’ll get the faster responses and assistance you need. Our customers prefer this personal relationship as opposed to speaking with a sales rep or someone they don’t know in customer service.
PSE is also set apart from the competition because of the suite of Retailer Services we provide. Click the link below to find out why we are truly retail experts who can help customers identify profit opportunities, reduce expenses and increase revenues. You can learn more about all of our retail services here.
When it comes to fuel, Prairie State Energy is a premier provider of fuel in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Texas, Florida and Georgia. We are a direct distributor of a variety of major brands including Exxon/Mobil, Shell, Marathon, ARCO, CITGO, unbranded fuel and our own brand – PS Fuels. You can learn more about each of the brands we represent here.
At Prairie State Energy we stand behind the quality of our petroleum products – and just as importantly – the quality of our service. We provide a level of customer service that is simply unmatched. Our team of professionals takes pride in providing customers with vital information, resources and proven expertise that will benefit their businesses in many ways.